Friday, December 02, 2005

The Future of the Brain

Picower Institute for Learning and Memory held a major scientific symposium entitled "The Future of the Brain" on Dec. 1, 2005. The seminar focused on the future of neuroscience research. MIT president Susan Hockfield opened the day's discussion.

The morning session featured talks by five Nobel Laureates, including Susumu Tonegawa, Director of Picower Institute, and James D. Watson. The afternoon session "Change your mind" focused on the impact of Neuroscience on learning and memory on human health. The second session in the afternoon, entitled "Expand your Mind," looked at the relationship between the human brain and mind.

You can view the entire event here using RealPlayer. Morning Session ( approximately 3:35) Afternoon Session (approximately 3:15 hours) MIT opens the world's largest neuroscience research center

On Friday afternoon, Dec. 2, MIT officially opened the new Brain and Cognitive Sciences Complex (BCS), the largest neuroscience research center in the world. The complex will advance MIT's efforts to address one of the significant scientific challenges of the 21st century: the understanding of the human brain and mind.
For the first time in history, we now possess the research tools to fully understand the complexities of human consciousness and to find cures for diseases like Alzheimer's and autism," commented MIT President Susan Hockfield. "These spectacular new facilities will allow MIT scientists to take advantage of the intellectual opportunities offered by new technologies and to realize the full promise of neuroscience for human health and behavior.
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