Thursday, September 22, 2005

How deep is the rabbit hole?

Consider the following experiment.

Imagine your brain is hooked for a neural scan. An object is shown to you, and the neural behavior is recorded. Then, you are asked to remember the same thing, and the doctors re-record the neural behavior.

The most exciting case here is that neural behaviors were the same when you saw the object (using your eyes) and when you remembered it (neural behavior will be the same even if you remember it in your dreams).

So, what is the role of the eyes then? Why is the neural behavior the same when the input comes from two different sources?

The brain processes and tells us the interpretation of the (same type of) electromagnetic signals it receives. In the above experiment, the brain similarly treats the signals from the eyes or the internal memory region. We are in the matrix – jacked in!
The brain processes billions of bits of information per second. However, we know only a few thousand bits of that information, which means we filter (brain blocks it without our knowledge) the rest of the information out.

Does this mean we cannot see things our brain ignores (or blinds us)?

Conversely, we should be able to see things we feel are impossible (usually) and cannot see because that is what our brain (us) believes in. Remember Nostradamus, who could see into the future or hear about the Hindu Sage (in the epics Mahabharata & Ramayana) who had a vision into the future!

If we are part of the 'Whole,' then there is no difference between what is out there (which we see through our eyes) and what we think (our thoughts). It all should be the same (part of the 'Oneness').

Does that mean there should be no concept of what we can see and think?

Why does the action always affect the future? Why cannot it affect the past? Is it because we think about a timeline in a cause-and-effect model and feel it can only move forward?

Does the universe exist if there is no consciousness or if there is no observer to observe the universe?

As per quantum physicsan electron can exist simultaneously in more than one place. It collapses into one (a single state) when it is observed. As per Roger Penrose, the collapse (Road to Realityhappens due to gravity.

Here are the three models which explain the observer and the observed in quantum physics.
  1. According to Copenhagen's view of quantum physics, a system does not occupy a definite state or location until it is observed; it exists anywhere in space, and you have a set of probabilities to find the place.
  2. Parallel Universe interpretation proposes that all the probabilities exist in parallel universes, which means one possibility per universe, which constrains us to see two states in a single (this) universe.
  3. According to Roger Penrose, gravity collapses all these states into a single state, which we observe.

This forces us to rethink reality. What is the reality? Is that what we see through our eyes? Or is it something that our brain tells us to believe?

One should know that nature is an illusion ('Maya'), and the Brahman is the illusion maker.
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
The mustard seed is larger than the kingdom of heaven
 Jesus Christ.
We were parted many thousands of kalpas ago, yet we have not been separated even for a moment
- Hinduism

Further reading


  1. Discover Magazine - If an Electron Can Be in Two Places at Once, Why Can’t You? (June 2005 Cover story)
  2. Physics Web - Quantum theory: weird and wonderful
  3. Thomas J McFarlane - The Illusion of materialism
  4. NeuroQuantology – A Journal of Neuro Science and Quantum Physics
  5. Nostradamus – Life and Prophecies of Nostradamus
  6. Bleep – What the Bleep do we know?
  7. Times Online – No Miracle Cure for Junk Science: By Simon Singh

  1. Roger Penrose – Road to Reality
  2. Amit Goswami – Self Aware Universe
  3. Masaru Emoto – The Hidden Messages in Water

Thursday, September 08, 2005

on God, Heaven & Hell

On God, Creation & Science

- I do not believe in the current concept of God and Creation.

The theory of the Big Bang was a giant leap in understanding the Universe's origin. However, like the concept of God Creating this Universe, the Big Bang theory produced another big question: What happened before the Big Bang? One of the reasons I liked the cyclic model instead of the Big Bang in the standard model is the infinite Big Bang by the collision of two membranes (a scientific hypothesis now). This does not mean that the standard model is wrong. The new hypothetical cyclic model is an extension of the standard model. Extra dimensions and colliding universes are the by-products of String theory, which is gaining momentum in unifying the theory of relativity and quantum theory. I like to know the internals on how and why rather than believe anything just by ‘faith.’

- I do not believe science and religion are on a warpath (I mean, do not have conflicts of interest).

Religious faith and scientific quests are trying to reach the same destination. However, the only difference is they both took different routes to reach the goal. There is nothing like the right route and the wrong route. Both ways are right. You have the choice to choose the path for your Journey. 

“My journey started long before I was born, and it will not end with my death, The Journey towards the Eternity - in search of our existence.”

The Final Destination

Finding God is not the destination in my model. Understanding the concept of being part of the ‘WHOLE’ is impossible if the thought ‘I’ is buried in our minds. We need to detach from ‘Self’. That is what Christ, Buddha, and others said. ‘Find the truth’

The problem of Creation by the intelligent designer results in a Creator and its by-products (Universe, earth, humans, animals, etc.). Like a software engineer who creates a software product or an Architect who builds a house. This raises the fundamental question:

1. What is primary? Matter or consciousness?
2. Is there a beginning for time?

- Wholeness, Oneness & Holographic Universe

The concept of ‘Wholeness’ or 'Oneness' will break the idea of God as the Omnipotent, then there is God (the all-power, all-knowing entity, the humans (emotional species), trees, animals, birds, etc. The concept of ‘Self’ equates to individuality, character, ego, etc., and places us in a localized environment created by our conscious mind. We separate the thinker from the thought, which reflects, in our modern language, is based on the pattern “subject-verb-object” that clearly separates the subject from the object, Whereas the key is the verb that makes the connection.

In this model, everything is localized, while quantum physics and Eastern mysticism talk about non-localization, where everything is connected. The dualism in the Cartesian model merges into ONE, where the Universe is considered one giant hologram.

A hologram is a 3D picture. The remarkable feature is that if a hologram (picture) of an apple is cut into two, each half of the print will contain the entire 3D image of the apple. If you slice the (apple) two halves again, it will still include the ‘whole’ 3D picture of the apple. Compared to a conventional image of an apple, if you cut it into half, each half contains half of the apple picture.

David Bohm proposed the concept of the Universe as a hologram after the experiment by Alain Aspect (in 1982). They (Aspect and his team) discovered that under certain circumstances, subatomic particles such as photons (bosons) can instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. This is irrespective of whether they are 10 feet apart or on the other side of the Universe. This odd behavior is called the EPR paradox, named after Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen's thought experiment, proposed in 1935. However, this violates Einstein’s principle that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Bohm believes that Aspect’s findings imply that objective reality as we know or experience (with our senses) does not exist.

The concept of Oneness goes far beyond our localized thought process where we create a virtual world to place our beliefs and ourselves, and as per Hinduism,
 this world (virtual) is known as ‘Maya,’ an illusion. 
Understanding this reality helps us to get into the altered state, the Final Destination.

Destination in Religion – Nirvana
Destination in Science – Perfection

Here is an exciting thought. If you don’t need a camera lens to take a picture of 3 3-dimensional apples using the holographic method (Read the holography technique), do we really need our eyes?

On Heaven & Hell

If I had a choice, I would choose Hell. For the past 14 years, I have been playing the role of a software engineer/architect in building new software products and bug-fixing existing software. So, I assume that If there is a Hell, then it must be Heaven gone haywire with bugs beyond repair, and God decided to dump it and create a new Heaven fresh and made sure that he didn’t repeat the same mistakes. 

Now, why did I choose Hell? Simple. To fix the bug!

To fix the bug, I need to understand the internals of Hell, which helps me understand the internals of Heaven. What would happen if I could fix it! Get promoted from Developer to Architect! Then, get venture capital funding to build another Heaven. If it ended up being hell, then send Consultants to fix it and charge an hourly rate :-)

Further Reading


1. David Bohm - Bridging Science, Philosophy and Cognition
2. Discover Magazine - Before the Big Bang (2004 February Cover Story)
3. Discover Magazine - Testing the String theory (2005 August Cover Story)
F David Peat – Implicate Order By David Bohm
Jeffrey Mishlove – Consciousness and the New Physics
6. Rene Descartes - Cartesian Dualism: Mind and Brain interaction
7. Dr. Karl Pribram (Professor of neuropsychology at Stanford University)Holographic Brain,
8. Jeff Prideaux - Comparison on Karl Pribram’s Holographic Brain Theory and conventional models of neuronal computation.

9. Wikipedia – EPR (Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, Nathan Rosen) Paradox


1. David Bohm – Wholeness and the Implicate Order
2. Michael Talbot - Holographic Universe
3. Brian Greene - Elegant Universe
4. Michio Kaku - Parallel Worlds (Author of HyperSpace)
5. Dr. A M Nicholi Jr. - The Question of God - C.S Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God
Bertrand Russel - Why I am not a Christian
7. Dan Brown - Angels & Demons (Fiction)